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Isadora Moura Mota

History professor at Princeton University in the United States. Graduated in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2003), Master in Social History from the State University of Campinas (2005) and doctorate in History from Brown University, USA (2017). It is affiliated with the Brazil Lab and the Program of Latin American Studies at Princeton University. She was a professor at the University of Miami from 2017 to 2019 and, in 2018, she served as a visiting researcher at the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition at Yale University. Develops research on the history of slavery, transatlantic abolitionism, African diaspora for Latin America and the American Civil War.

Atlantic History Studies Laboratory of the

Colonial and Postcolonial Societies (LEHA)


Flavio Gomes (UFRJ)

André Chevitarese (UFRJ)

Associated researchers:

Antônio Carlos Higino da Silva (UFRJ)

Claudio Pinheiro (UFRJ)

Higor Ferreira (UFRJ / Colégio Pedro II)

Iamara da Silva Viana (Puc-Rio)

Isadora Mota (Princeton University)

João José Reis (UFBA)
Luis Symanski (UFMG)

Maria Helena Machado (USP)

Márcio Meira (Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi)

Paulo Fontes (UFRJ)

Rosa Acevedo (UFPA)

Tania Pimenta (FIOCRUZ)

Wallace de Moraes (UFRJ)

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